“You can hammer pain and trauma into a righteous sword and use it in defence of life, love, human grace…” Bruce Springsteen

Nurturing Professionals

What I offer you is a distillation of over 30 years involvement with legal and other professional services in the City. My clients include lawyers, accountants, hedge funders, IT personnel, engineers, consultants, bankers and financiers, journalists, doctors and actors.

I have hybrid experience as a partner for several years at a Top 20 law firm, in-house in Asia, Business Development with two of the biggest global law firms, and run a training consultancy alongside my psychotherapy practice.

All the above means that, whatever is troubling you, something is available which allows us to get an immediate reduction in stress with perhaps longer term work on underlying, more intractable issues.

I have coached, mentored or given therapy to hundreds of lawyers and other professionals around the UK, working face to face or remotely from my base in West London.

Many clients have told me that the insight and empathy I bring is what creates the rapport necessary to make progress.

I know personally how life-changing coaching and therapy can be.

Call 07912 412643

Let's try to solve
some problems.
Coaching and training lawyers for 8 years at top firms was often akin to therapy. I have witnessed first-hand how rapidly someone can free themselves from defensive postures and regain enthusiasm, feel more fulfilled and confident.